Green Earth Cleaning Maids

Green Earth Cleaning Maids

An eco-conscious society calls for eco-conscious cleaning professionals

We've all met them. You know, those people who are super passionate about preserving and protecting Mother Earth. While not everyone shares the same zest about going green, many people are taking small steps toward being environmentally conscious. From recycling, to conserving water, to using organic products, everyone can play a part in protecting the planet. The same rings true for house cleaning companies. You should ask beforehand if the company's maids implement green earth cleaning techniques, along with use all-natural green earth cleaning products.

Chemical Green Earth Cleaning Products vs. Organic Green Earth Cleaning Products: What's the Difference?

These days, it's crucial to look into the ingredients that make up the green earth cleaning product. Why? Some companies claim their cleaning products are free of chemicals and 100 percent natural; however, chemicals must often exist in the formula in order for it to coagulate properly. Don't just take the cleaning company's word for it; ask exactly which products are used and a rundown of their ingredients. Having peace of mind when your toddler finds his or her way into the cleaning closet is priceless.

Some maids use chemical green earth cleaning products that are petrochemically-based, which means they are toxic and produce an estrogen-like effect in the body. For many women, these products can cause their hormones to become out-of-whack and unbalanced - a very frustrating and uncomfortable problem; consequently, the body can absorb organic cleaning products without suffering negative effects. (Please note: some individuals may be allergic to certain natural ingredients, so check the formulas before using them.)
Green Earth Cleaning Maids

Green Cleaning Techniques You Can Try at Home

Let's face it: Not everyone has the budget to hire professional maids, even if the service is completely affordable. If you're concerned about the environment, you can apply a few 'green' techniques when cleaning the house. And remember, cleaning the 'green' way can also save money in the long run. (Now that's what we call motivation!)

  1. Use only all-natural green earth cleaning products 
  2. Conserve water - don't flush toilets too much when cleaning them, and turn the faucet off while your scrubbing the sink/bathtub 
  3. Turn off lights when you're finished cleaning the room 
  4. Recycle anything you can while you're cleaning up the house Use reusable mops, sponges and other accessories 
  5. Place plants throughout the house - they're a natural (and inexpensive) way to clean the air, but just make sure they're non-poisonous

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